Wendy Hewton
Fireworks (I, II, III, IV, V, VI)
Photographic installation
61.5 x 56cm
"Inspired by happy memories of being amidst a crowd of people bubbling with excitement and anticipation – the bangs and crackles as the explosion of colour illuminates the night sky. The diverse display of pattern, shape, timing and colour captivate and surprise both young and old. We bask in the afterglow and await the next spectacle. Fireworks – a showtime experience not to be missed!"
To enquire about pricing, please contact the artist at: smilee60@hotmail.com
Please contact the gallery by phone (07) 31516655 or email
shop-aftm@wmq.org.au to arrange pick up or shipping.
*Shipping at the buyer's expense.
*Shipping will be delayed due to COVID-19.
AFTM will assist in finding the best price option for shipping.
Pick up available.