Levi Diball
Mosaic on Board
21 x 29.7cm
Levi Diball is a Brisbane Based Outsider Artist,Photographer and Illustrator, she has exhibited in galleries of Brisbane and overseas (UK, Japan). Levi is a member of the Access Arts-Brisbane Outsider Artist Visual Artist Group and a member of the AFTM photo group, she was a recipient of a Emerging Artist Award in 2015, has won two Commended Awards and was a grantee of a Disabilities Queensland Art Development Grant Levi has had a solo exhibiting, photography, Drawings and paintings at Graydon gallery in New Farm and has also exhibited expansively in Brisbane Art Spaces, including; The Powerhouse Museum, Jugglers Gallery, Brisbane institute of Art, Brisbane City Hall, Graydon Gallery, Brisbane and New Farm Libraries ,Aspire Gallery, Epic, St Andrews Hospital, KPMG City 3Gallery, on the big screen of QUT and River fire.
Please contact the gallery by phone (07) 3151 6655 or email shop-aftm@wmq.org.au to arrange pickup or shipping.