Hayley Marrs
The Peaceful Protector
Watercolour pen on paper
45 cm x 62 cm
The inspiration for this artwork was visiting the masterpieces exhibition. I was captivated by the cherubs I saw in many of the paintings. To me, they looked innocent and very mischievous. I can relate to their nature and in my work, the creature has strong, protective horns and a butterfly for freedom.
[About the artist] Hayley Marrs
Hayley has been going to art classes at Art From The Margins for the past 12 months, but she’s been artistic for many years – first starting with photography, then progressing on to graphic design and visual design, before settling into her current love – drawing.
Living with Neurofibromatosis, Hayley finds that drawing is a wonderfully creative and therapeutic outlet that allows her to express who she is and tell personal stories through her drawings.
“I find that drawing is a way to show people what’s going on inside my head. It’s a way for people to see me and see who I am – even if I’m not there,” she says.
Hayley attends two classes at Art from the Margins – the Thursday ‘Deepening Artistic practice” Group, and the Friday ‘Explore Your Inner Artist' class. For her, it’s the highlight of her week.
Hayley’s whimsical works often include creatures and characters that reflect parts of her personality. Hayley’s piece ‘Hidden Secrets’ was chosen as a finalist in the Art from the Margins Outsider Art Awards.
Please, contact the gallery by phone (07) 3151 6655 or email shop-aftm@wmq.org.au to arrange pick-up or shipping*.
*Shipping at the buyer's expense. AFTM will assist in finding the best price option for shipping.