Diedre Wilkins
Water Lily 2022
acrylic paint over acrylic pour
I love lilies, any version, any colour! The waterlily rises in its beauty, above the green of its floating leaves to let the sun kiss its petals open.
About Deidre Wilkins
My situation sometimes brings me great sadness but all I need to do is pick up a paint brush and I am happy again. I have an amazing art teacher who gives me confidence and pushes me to test my creativity with new mediums. My main style is acrylics but lately I have been experimenting with watercolour, Dutch pours and ink. In the future, I would like to start painting furniture, and experiment with other materials like mosaics and 3D objects.
Please, contact the gallery by phone (07) 3151 6655 or email shop-aftm@wmq.org.au to arrange pick-up or shipping*.
*Shipping at the buyer's expense. AFTM will assist in finding the best price option for shipping.